Feel healthy and beautiful in your own skin

Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser technology has made it possible to dramatically improve skin texture, tone and coloration without invasive measures. Many of the conditions that contribute to an aged appearance can be successfully treated with the Cynosure Icon 1540 laser. Results emerge progressively over the course of several months. While some patients see dramatic results with one treatment, most patients achieve optimal benefits with a series of treatments.

patient review for Dr Greene

What does the Cynosure Icon 1540 treat?

  • Fine Lines and wrinkles
  • Age Spots
  • Enlarged pores
  • Scars
  • Uneven skin tone and texture

How many treatments are necessary to see results with the Cynosure Icon 1540?

Treatment plans are customized to the needs of the patient. Depending on what you are receiving treatment for (i.e. stretchmarks, age spots, etc.), typically a series of 3-4 laser appointments are recommended.

How long is each treatment?

Treatment times range between 15-60 minutes per session.

Is laser treatment with the Cynosure Icon 1540 painful?

The provider and staff at Advanced Dermatology are dedicated to patient comfort. Before receiving laser treatment, patients are numbed with a topical cream one hour prior to their procedure.

Before & After Photos