Get Rid of That Double Chin with Kybella®!

The double chin can be a real confidence killer. It can leave you feeling embarrassed and ashamed, causing you to shy away from photos and cover it up with certain outfits. But you don’t have to these negative effects any longer. With Kybella®, you can safely and effectively reduce the appearance of the double chin without the need for surgery. Here we’ll dive into the most frequently asked questions Dr. Greene gets about this remarkable treatment.

What Is Kybella?

Kybella is the first injectable treatment cleared by the FDA to eliminate unwanted fat cells underneath your chin. This novel approach is so effective because it uses a synthetic version of a fat-busting acid that’s already produced by the body—deoxycholic acid. With precise injections, Kybella works to destroy only the stubborn fat, while causing no harm to the surrounding tissues. The treated cells are then safely disposed of through the body’s natural elimination process.

What Can I Expect from Kybella Treatments?

Here in the comfort of our Seattle offices, treatments with Kybella are fast and easy. On average, sessions only take about 15 to 20 minutes and may include several injections at strategic points under the chin. That means that you can schedule your appointment any time you have about half hour to spare, unlike other double-chin remedies. There’s not much in the way of discomfort during or after the procedure, and there’s little to no downtime following treatment.

When Will I See Results?

Results come gradually, as it will take some time for your body to process and eliminate the targeted fatty cells. For the very best outcome, Dr. Greene will likely recommend a series of Kybella appointments, spaced about a month apart. Studies have shown that most patients notice a drastic decline in submental fullness after four Kybella treatments.

Are Results Permanent?

Yes! Once you’re done, you’re done; there are no touch-ups or maintenance appointments needed. That’s because, contrary to popular opinion, your body doesn’t increase the number of fat cells when you gain weight. Instead, the fat cells that you already have grow in size when you add pounds, and shrink when you shed them. That means that the tissues treated with Kybella are eliminated for good, never to return again.

Is It Better Than Liposuction?

For many of our patients it is. Of course, lipo is a tried and tested fat-reduction method that provides proven and consistent outcomes. But the reason that our patients prefer the perks of Kybella isn’t a difference in results, but the fact that there are no incisions, scarring, or other concerns that come along with a more invasive procedure like liposuction. All it takes is a few injections and you’re on your way to a more slender chin profile.

Can I Combine Treatments for Maximum Results?

Kybella is specifically formulated to treat the underlying fat cells that are contributing to the appearance of the double chin. But if you find that you also have an excess of loose skin in the area, you may need some additional attention to achieve the results you’re looking for. That’s where the Exilis skin tightening system comes in. By combining the two, you’ll be wiping out the fat and firming up the skin for a tighter chin and neck.

Kybella for the Double Chin at Advanced Dermatology and Laser Institute of Seattle

Decrease the appearance of the double chin without the need for surgery. If you’re in the Pacific Northwest and you’d like more information about this exciting treatment with Dr. Greene and his experienced team, please don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation today.