The All-in-One Treatment for Skin Rejuvenation

Three for Me’ is the first laser treatment that targets up to three different skin concerns: Sun Damage, Wrinkles, and Facial Vessels. Why be forced to prioritize your skin issues when you can now benefit from a SINGLE laser that targets all three skin conditions?

It’s likely that if you have sun–causing brown spots, you may also experience a second side effect of UV exposure: wrinkles – a whopping 80% of wrinkles are due to sun damage! With our ‘Three for Me’ laser, brown spots are uplifted (revealing skin free of discoloration and wrinkles) and there is a reduced appearance of facial vessels. For instance, patients with Rosacea (aka global redness) have seen significantly less redness after 2–4 treatments of Three for Me. Face veins usually disappear instantly, so no more than one laser session may be required for certain vascular issues.


How many treatments of ‘Three for Me’ are required for results?
Depending on your skin’s needs, 2–4 treatment sessions are necessary to achieve optimal results.

Is ‘Three for Me’ painful?
To reduce discomfort, a topical numbing agent is applied to the skin undergoing treatment before your procedure.

Is there down-time associated with ‘Three for Me’?
Some social downtime may be necessary due to possible side effects of swelling and redness lasting an average of 2–3 days.

Ready to learn more and see if you are a candidate for ‘Three for Me’ laser treatment? Call us today to schedule a no-charge consultation with our Medical Esthetician, Rene Steele. During the consultation, Rene will educate you on all aspects of the laser procedure and review pre and post treatment instructions. Choose ‘Three for Me’ and be amazed as your skin becomes tighter, brighter, and rejuvenated!

References: Copyright Cynosure, Inc. All rights reserved.