Kybella Double Chin Treatments in Seattle

Tighten the appearance of your profile, showcase a well-defined jaw-line, and finally discard your scarves and turtle-neck sweaters because you no longer need to cover up! Now, at Advanced Dermatology and Laser Institute of Seattle, we are providing a safe, in-office procedure for eliminating the ever-dreaded double-chin. Where dieting and exercise have failed to yield results in fat reduction below the chin area-dermatologists are recommending Kybella.

Kybella is a newly released injectable approved by the FDA for reducing moderate to severe submental fullness or excessive fatty tissue, also known as a double-chin. Patients are typically considered good candidates for Kybella if they are eighteen years of age or older and unhappy with the appearance of a double-chin.

This common concern of a double-chin was traditionally treated with surgery, such as liposuction or a neck lift. With Kybella-patients can achieve youthful and healthy-looking results without the expense or downtime of an invasive procedure. To learn more about Kybella, please schedule a cosmetic consultation with Dr. Greene by emailing, [email protected] or calling 206-402-4797.

Commonly asked questions regarding Kybella:

How does Kybella work?

  • When the deoxycholic acid formula is injected, fat cells begin to dissolve and leave the body through metabolic processes.

Is the injection painful?

  • Dr. Greene and his team of medical professionals at Advanced Dermatology are committed to patient comfort and safety. Before the procedure, patients will be given the choice to numb the injection site. Post treatment instructions for residual pain control will be provided at the end of your appointment.

What are side effects of the treatment?

  • Patients infrequently experience mild swelling, bruising, and redness at the injection sites. These side effects are temporary and should dissipate within a few days. However, there are rare cases when swelling may last up to two weeks before clearing.

When should I see results?

  • As the injected deoxycholic acid is absorbed by the targeted fat cells, a more desirable profile contour may be observed. For most patients, two to four treatment sessions are needed-spaced one month apart per appointment. Results are long lasting, sometimes permanent given the patient.

References: Copyright 2015 Kythera Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. All rights reserved.