Is It Time to See a Dermatologist for My Acne?

Girl With Acne Touching Her FaceOver-the-counter face washes, gels and creams are often no match for acne. When you feel like you’ve tried every available acne treatment to no avail, it’s probably time to visit a dermatologist.

At Advanced Dermatology and Laser Institute of Seattle, we believe that no one should feel uncomfortable in their skin. Our board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Steven Greene, can help you treat your acne at its source. Learn the signs that indicate you should visit our office for a complimentary skincare consultation.

Signs of Severe Acne

Getting pimples from time to time is a normal occurrence, especially for teens and young adults. Recurrent acne, however, warrants a closer look at your health and skincare routine.

Beyond frequent breakouts, signs of severe acne that need professional treatment include:

  • Large, painful or fluid-filled cysts beneath your skin (cystic acne)
  • Dark marks or deep facial indents (acne scars)
  • Small white bumps across your nose and cheeks (milia)

You should also see a dermatologist if you’re unsure of whether or not your facial bumps are acne. In some instances, you could have an underlying skin condition, such as eczema or psoriasis, that needs specialized treatment.

Indicators You Should See a Dermatologist

Mild to moderate acne typically improves within four to six weeks of over-the-counter treatments. If your acne persists or worsens over the course of two to three months, don’t wait to seek help.

Any time you have questions or concerns about your skin, it’s best to see a dermatologist. The same goes for when acne is affecting your self-esteem or social life.

We recommend scheduling an appointment at our office if:

  • You avoid outings and social activities because you’re embarrassed by your skin
  • You try to hide your face with hats and scarves so people don’t see your acne
  • You’ve tried drugstore products without success
  • You’re unsure of what products you should be using on your skin

Dr. Greene can help you regardless of the severity of your acne.

Acne Treatments at Advanced Dermatology of Seattle

At Advanced Dermatology and Laser Institute of Seattle, we offer an array of acne treatments to fit your needs. In addition to advising you on the best skincare regimen, we can help you get a glowing complexion with one or more of the following:

  • Chemical peel: A chemical peel removes dead skin and stimulates skin cell growth for cleaner pores and a clearer face.
  • Laser therapy: We offer several laser therapies, including Intense Pulsed Light and LED Phototherapy, to rejuvenate your skin and unclog your pores, as well as laser scar removal to treat pigmentation and acne scars.
  • Microdermabrasion: When acne leaves a lasting impression on your face, microdermabrasion can give you the clear complexion you desire.
  • Medical-grade facial: A medical-grade facial unclogs your pores, reduces inflammation and can help prevent acne marks.
  • HydraFacial: This specialized facial cleanses and hydrates your skin with antioxidant-rich water for the treatment of whiteheads, blackheads and enlarged pores.

Sometimes a combination of these solutions is best. Dr. Greene can advise you on an appropriate course of treatment during your complimentary consultation.

Schedule a Consultation With Our Seattle Dermatologist

Call 206-402-4797 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Greene. We serve patients in Seattle and nearby areas of Washington.